Do You Fidget?

My post today is about the latest fad sweeping the nation. The Fidget Spinner. Do you have one yet? I was one of those people who, when it came out, said that they didn’t need one and would never use one. Well, never say never.


Yes, behold my lovely new toy.  I caved into the fad. Mine even glows in the dark. Yeehaw!

I have to admit there is something comforting in watching the little thing spin. The sound of the ball bearings humming as the spinner gyrates between my fingers. The colors a blur as I manipulate it to spin faster and faster.

I think the reason these things are so popular is that they handle a problem that no one thinks they suffer with but in truth they do. Not being able to keep your hands still. Do you remember when you were little and if you were like me, had to go sit for a couple hours every Sunday to church?  I would have killed for something like this. My hands still smart from getting whacked with the rolled up church bulletin for fidgeting in my seat.

I can’t think of anyone who can keep their hands still. They are always spinning pencils, pens, or rings on their fingers. Something to keep their hands busy. Brings to mind the Bible verse- Idle hands are the devil’s workshop ~Proverbs 16:27. Well, we no longer need to worry because now we have something to keep our hands from being idle.

As an additional benefit. These spinners are great for people with Autism. My nephew was just introduced to them and he loves them. He is starting to have quite a colorful collection of all different types of the Fidget Spinners. Check them out on They have many different types and designs.

Anyway, hope you are enjoying your day. and if you have a  Fidget Spinner, have fun spinning.

This is in no way a promotion of the Fidget Spinner, it is just my own observation.

Here Comes the Sun?


The sky in East Central Texas. 

Ever since the news started reporting that tropical storm Harvey was headed towards Texas, the state started preparing for the worst. Here in my neck of the woods, we were told to just expected rains with some flash flooding.

As the storm turned first from a category one up until it’s final destination as a category four hurricane, we watched people prepare and in some cases evacuate their homes. This photo was taken Saturday night as the sun was setting. The clouds were moving fast, and the sun ended up playing hide and seek among them until it finally set.

The worst is over but we are still not out of danger. Now the rains are adding to the already flooded areas making everything worse. If you can help in any way contact:

Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund

Hurricane Harvey Fund

Hurricane Harvey Aid- Save the Children


Hopefully, soon we’ll be able to say Here Comes the Sun and smile.




You know how you suspect someone is watching you? You feel little prickles of awareness but everywhere you look there is no one to be found. Yeah, I had that feeling this morning in the bathroom. Guess who I found being a “Peeping Tom”? Mr. Neko was hiding from the rest of the clowder on top of the cabinet above the toilet.

Total Eclipse of the What??


As the title may suggest I was all excited this morning when I woke, knowing that today we would be witness to a cosmic event. A total solar eclipse. This is where our little moon feels frisky and passes between the Earth and the sun. It doesn’t happen often, the last one was way back in 1918 on June 8th. And the next one isn’t until April 8, 2024. So for any who missed it, start working on your projectors, you have only eight more years to wait.

The above picture was taken about an hour before the eclipse was due to happen. As you can see the sun was shining brightly down here in Central Texas. Don’t pay any attention to my wind-blown hair. My family and I each took turns taking pictures of the big flaming ball of fire up in the sky. It kind of felt like a holiday. Picture the ancients dancing around waiting to be terrified when the sun suddenly burns out and goes dark.

So flash forward to the event du jour. My brother has been keeping tabs on the progress as it occurred in each state. What? It just happened in Wyoming, it’s getting closer. News reports are now saying it is closing in and to be ready. Okay, I get ready to film it using my phone. By the way, those reports that said you could watch it all go down by using your phone set on selfie mode, you should be whipped with a soggy noodle. Those reports were false.

Anyhow, there I was phone set to record the event of the summer. Well, I’ll let the picture speak for itself. I never got to turn on the video. I just got a picture to prove the phone idea sucked.


Behold the Solar Eclipse of 2017. Breathtaking isn’t it. My brother has already said he is ordering some welders goggles for the next one. I think I will be getting me some of those fancy schmancy paper goggles, there ought to be a bunch going up on E-Bay soon. You know “Only used once, hardly worn Eclipse goggles. Only $59.99 plus s/h.” I am looking for bargains. Does anyone have a cheap pair?


Guard Duty


I am very good a guarding my gal. That other fella needs to move on and find his own lady. ~Bo Jangles

I am so not his girl. He just can’t take a clue. Oh, well, this one time I’ll let him handle my dirty work and keep the new guy away from me. ~CeCe

I, for one, could care less what you do. I am just lounging up here to make the human upset by blocking the TV. Just leave me alone. ~Gizmo

A Bit of Local History

This is a place that is not very far from where I live. I was taking my teenage niece to get in some driving practice; I will be soon driving on the sidewalk for safety, and I figured why not take her up to where this is located.

In the small town, I call home, is this quaint little cabin that has stood since 1878.If you can read the marker that stands in front of the cabin, it informs you of the history of what was a home, grain store and stage coach stop. It would become the towns first post office as well.

I love to find these off the beaten path historical markers. It gives me a tactile sense of what came before and what has stood the test of time. In light of all the historical monuments, we are losing I find these to be refreshing. I hope that the younger generation will somehow find beauty in the things of the past but I fear that they will not.

I like the fact that such a place is basically right across the highway from my home. The preserve in which it is located also boasts some of the native flora of the state. And if you go early in the morning you may see a few deer. So if you ever find yourself in Central Texas, not far from the Fort Hood military base. Check out Ogletree Gap Preserve located in Copperas Cove, Texas.


Ogletree Stage Stop located at Ogletree Gap Preserve in Copperas Cove, Texas.




Whoever said I was too big for this napping place is a liar. See I fit just fine.


Now I’m not saying it might take a moment for me to totally uncurl from this position but hey, that is where cat yoga comes in handy. ~Neko

Mama’s Helper


I am Mama’s helper today. She likes to shred paper this way and I like to hold the bucket still for her. You know buckets they are contrary beasties. I still don’t understand why Mama shreds this way when there is a machine to do that. Maybe she just likes to cover me with confetti.


Once I am done helping Mama with the bucket, I then saunter into Auntie’s room to see what I can assist her with. She looked a tad uncomfortable in her chair so I volunteered to be her back cushion. I don’t think she appreciated my effort.

Oh, well what’s a helpful guy like me have to do to earn his Purina Cat Chow around here.   ~Dominic

When stalking your prey, a great hunter learns to adapt. Take for instance while lying in wait for my prey, Gizmo or the girl kitty, CeCe, I had to create my hiding spot.


I did this by knocking the junk basket by the front door onto the floor.  As you can see the oddest things end up in the basket. Once this was done I find the perfect way to hide where I can peek thru the handle to keep my prey in sight.



Now I wait for them to make a move towards the food and /or water bowl. When I see that they have come out of hiding to steal a quick nibble or drink. I am reading to make my move. The only problem is I forget to watch for the humans.



Oops! Busted by Auntie. What’s a guy supposed to do when he gets caught hunting the new guy. What any self-respecting guy would do. Look cute and wait for her to go away so I can resume my stalking in privacy. A kitty’s work is never done.   ~Dominic


Miss Me


This is the look I have been getting for being away so long. Neko has been scolding me about not posting photos of him and the rest of the Cat’s Eye Gang. I tried to explain to him that since my computer crashed as a way to tell me it didn’t like the new Windows upgrade; it had been a tad bit hard to post anything. As you can see Neko wasn’t buying my excuse, so here you have it, folks. My first post since the middle of July.

Neko in all of his scolding glory. Did you miss me?