Cat Tales


Some of my followers may know that I  am a writer as well as a blogger. Well here is the proof in black and white. My first draft of my first book is complete.

The story developed while I was trying to come up with subject matter for a blog to write and associate with my author’s platform. I decided to use the cats as models for my book’s characters. Thus Tales of The Cat’s Eye Gang was born.

As I said I have finished the first draft and I welcome you to read it in all of its unedited glory on my sister site:

I hope you check it out and let me know what you think of it.


Study in Brown

Brown tabby cat lying on a tan blanket.

When studying shades of brown it always helps if you have a brown tabby to use in said study. Miss CeCe was happy to oblige.

Getting Into The Groove.

Gray and white cat taking a bath.

When bathing, always remember to clean in all the grooves. Just like I am showing here by cleaning in between my toes. I know. Toe jam is a draw back but the things one does to be a handsome fella like me. ~Dominic

Big Laps

Two adult cats sharing a lap.

Excuse me big brother, I think there is enough room on Auntie’s lap for both of us. ~Dominic

Nope. I don’t think so baby brother. I like to stretch out on Auntie’s lap. That leaves no room for you. ~Bo Jangles

That’s okay Bo, I’ll just lay on top of you. See problem solved. ~Dominic

Piggy Boy

Black cat with his lunch all over his face.

Yes, I do get into my mama’s homemade pureed kitty food. It is so good and I get so hungry. What do you mean I have something on my face? ~Neko