The Blush On A Rose.

Two early morning pink roses with dew drops on them.

Woke up to the rose bush outside my bedroom full of these beautiful pink roses. I am always cheered by them. Fun part of living in Texas is that they bloom year round.

Life Among The Weeds.

A red rose blossom among dead leaves.

A red rose blossoms in a flower bed that holds only dead plants from the previous year. It proves life will find a way because this rose happens to be wild.

I noticed it fighting to break the soil last summer and thought it would not survive the winter. It just had to prove me wrong. Our roses are in another flower bed and not a red one in the bunch. Still trying to figure out where the red one came from.

Rouge et Noir

Black cat sitting on a red and black blanket.

When trying to catch the eye of passersby, I opt for complimentary colors. I think red is my color, but Mommy says I look good with any color. I prefer rouge et noir. ~Neko