Appreciating Black Cats

It has been a few days since I posted. I had some technical difficulties, but I have them fixed for the moment. To make up for my missed daily posts I thought I would give you a few pictures of two of my favorite black cats.


Neko as a kitten. Hard to believe he was ever this small.



Neko thinks even his shadow is cute; he’s right of course but please don’t tell him I said that.


You might think this is Neko but you would be wrong. This is Neko’s doppelganger, Spooky. He is a stray that has adopted us. He was injured in a neighborhood cat fight when he was just a kitten and ended up under a bush in our front yard. My niece felt bad for him so she began bringing him food and water while he recovered. Long story short he fell in love with her and when he had healed a bit took up residence in our back yard. Which he guards with the ferocity of a lion. Neko and Spooks will stand nose to nose with only the patio door between them and play the mirror game in which if one moves a certain way the other mirrors it. It is one of their favorite games.

For anyone who follows me and checked out my author’s page, you will know I am currently writing a book with the cats that share our life as the models for the characters. I called our little clowder of cats, The Cat’s Eye Gang. If you would like to find out more about my book please stop by and visit my author’s page at R.A. Buster- Writer & Blogger. If you check out my blog, you will find my book which I post as I am writing it. In all of its first draft glory. Let me know what you think and please feel free to subscribe to get each new installment as it is being written.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out the two black cats that bring luck into my life.

“Thistle” While You Work


I was walking out around our deck, looking for inspiration for today’s photo. I kept being drawn back to a weed, not the beautiful aloe plants, or cacti. No, it was this cluster of thistle that I kept coming back to.

A backyard full of gorgeous plants, and a weed catches my eye. Was it because it’s a weed, and in my mind, it doesn’t belong. Or is it the fact that even a weed can be beautiful.

I think it speaks to me that even in a world full of beautiful people, there are those of us who feel more akin to the weed. Unwanted, and destined to be cast out of the garden.

Yet the thistle,  like so many other weeds, performs a service in that it has medicinal uses. It makes me wonder how you see yourself. As a beautiful flower. Or are you a weed? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Time to Hide

When the big sucking monster comes growling out of its cave, you have to find the best hiding place.

Gizmo vs. The Vacuum Cleaner

I think I’m safe up here hiding behind the laundry. It is also a great place to take a nap.

A Spark


In the darkness all around I search for some sign. Of how my life can go on in this midnight of my life. Through the shadows, I wander searching for something I can’t define. Something to show me which path in life to stride. Some spark of light to awaken the corners of my mind.

All it takes is one small spark to light my world anew. To waken me to possibilities until now I never knew. A guiding force in something so small, profound in it affects. To open my eyes and show me how the darkness to reject. A spark to nurture into flame, a world to set on fire.



The Cat Whisperer


“Even Mommy, the cat whisperer has to take a nap sometimes, Bo.” ~Dominic

“Well, we need to watch over her while she sleeps, although how she can with Magic, the wonder dog snoring up there is beyond me. I’m going to just take a bath.” ~Bo Jangles

“I don’t know how she can sleep with you two cat chatting away, go away, I got this.” Magic, the Wonder Dog.


Close…But Yet So Far


My love lies but inches away, yet for my heart that is too far.  Soon she will let me near, I but must have patience. ~Bo Jangles

He could lie closer if he didn’t hog the bed. ~CeCe