Napping Done Right.

Bo and Neko on my lap.

When you are searching for the best napping spot. Nothing is better than a nice comfortable lap. ~ Bo Jangles

What is even better is if you are impeding someone progress. Such as not letting a writer work on her book. Sorry Mama… Not sorry. ~Neko Dubh

I’m Awake, huh?

Dominic hears the food can open.

What? Huh? I’m awake. Was that the sound of yummies being opened? Wait for the next can to be opened before climbing out of bed. ~Dominic

Hard Decisions

BoJangles trying to decide.

Sometimes it is hard making the decision between napping in a kitty bed or in the window. One is cushioned, and the other has sun. Decisions, decisions. Which one do you think I will choose. ~Bo Jangles

The Next Shift

Neko the substitute taskmaster

Neko has taken over for his sister at being my taskmaster. She needed her beauty sleep. He was doing a good job for a few minutes to let me take this picture but then he decided there were better things to do. He climbed up onto my chest for snuggles, so much for getting any writing done for the moment.

Cute taskmaster

CeCe has decided to stop me from enjoying social media when I should be writing. You have to admit she is a very cute taskmaster. P.S. She forgot that I have an extra keyboard for these moments.